Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Contact Free -- At Least One Eye

I had my first cataract and lense implant surgery last Thursday and I'm now contact free in my left eye! Yeah me! It's sooooo weird to wake up in the morning (take off my eye shield) and be able to see. I LOVE IT!! I'm sooooo excited to have my right one done this Thursday. The doctor said for my prescription it's life changing, amen to that! I can look at an alarm clock without it being 1 1/2 inches from my face. I can shave my legs by sight not feel in the shower. Body's not there yet to go swimming, but when I do, I won't have to worry about losing a contact in the water! I'm loving it!

I did walk a VERY slow pace a couple of times last weekend and yesterday I did a light workout. Dallas was afraid my eye was going to pop out of my head, SOOOO I was the one increasing my speed on the treadmill and the Elliptical.

I did have a first yesterday. I've had a bad knee that likes to fill up with fluid if I do inclines or hills, yesterday I walked at a 1% incline without pain or fluid! Yeah me! I realize that the rest of the group is up to 6% inclines, but that's ok. It was a first for me!

Yes, I'm still pop free - two weeks!


  1. YAY! I am glad to hear of your successful surgery. Good luck with tomorrow's! Good for you to take charge on the eliptical and treadmill. And, nice job of the treadmill! I think my max in the wellness center has been 2.5%, but maybe I'll hit that 6 that everyone else is doing!

    You are great, keep up the great work!!

  2. I am pop free for A week Now to. Thanks for motivating me to quit :)

  3. I'm still on 1.5 incline. I haven't even tried to going high than that. You're doing good!
