Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trainer Free

Can I just say that I have THE BEST support group...Jen and Janette are the best! I've been whining the past few blogs and they're great at gently kicking me in the butt.

This week I've been working out on my own since my trainer decided to go to Hawaii. I was nervous on Monday, wondering if I could work hard enough, especially after my birthday weekend of food, food, and more food and no exercise. I wonder if you could count riding on the back of a jet ski as exercise? My arms were so sore because I had to hold on for dear life! ANYWAY...I got on the treadmill and my shin spints came back, so I decided to jog (I can't say run because most people walk faster than I ran). Oh My legs felt better when I jogged --- plus I didn't pee my pants! That's even a bigger bonus! I haven't jogged in 20 years and it felt almost good for the 1:30 intervals I jogged.

Yesterday I wondered if Monday was just a fluke, so I tried it again and I did it! I even got my speed to 4.4 (a PR). Not bad for an old lady who just had two cataract surgeries, celebrated her half century birthday and didn't have her trainer.

Week number 4 without pop!


  1. Great job jogging on the treadmill!! I think you are doing wonderful and it's not just a fluke!! Keep it up!

  2. I second what Jen said. You're doing a great job!
