Friday, September 17, 2010

I did it!

I jogged (3 short walks) 3 miles yesterday!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Coming to the end

WOW! It's hard to believe the challenge is almost over. What an experience! My top ten accomplishments are:

10. Getting up at 5:30 to workout at 6:30
9. Only farting one time with my trainer
8. Jogging for the first time in 20 years
7. Not peeing my pants while jogging
6. Doing intervals around a track for 2 miles
5. Comparing workouts with my high school son
4. Feeling at home in a weight room
3. Looking forward to workouts
2. Giving up pop
1. Turning 50 and being in better shape than I've been in 30 years!

Thank you Dallas for your support and pushing me to do more than I ever thought I could. Also for putting up with me whining, texts, dirty looks, and smart mouth.

Thank you Jen for your support. When we were doing the intervals around the track, she would always say something encouraging. She's so much stronger and faster than me, but she always complimented and encouraged me. What a great support, inspiration and friend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Stairs Today

Dallas sent us a 3 page text yesterday at 6:15 A.M. informing us that we need to work out on a track in preparation to run the 5k in a couple of weeks, so last night Jen and I met Dallas at the AFHS track. We jogged around one time, stretched, did these rabbit chasing drills (whatever it's called), jogged the straight aways and walked the curves and ended with an abs workout and stretching. After it was all over I went 2 miles and Jen went 2 and 1/4 miles (way to go Jen). Jen's a lot faster than I am - she's awesome!

Today my left calf and bone spurs are really sore. Whenever I stand up I have to hold onto something for the first few steps, then I'm good. Walking into the hospital, I went up the stairs by the dock and thought I might need to crawl up them. BUT I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Wearing heels with a sore calf and bone spurs, there are no stairs today!

PS - still pop free!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Gentle Kick in the Butt

I guess it's been awhile since I've blogged, so here is the update. My eyes are great. My trainer is back from Hawaii (leaving again for Chicago - good luck!). I figured out I'm walking/jogging on the outside of my foot and that's why I have just bad shin splints. Still haven't lost much weight. Still pop free.

I want to thank Dallas for putting up with me. The other day I was whining about my shin splints and he sent me this looooooong text: "Ok I am not going to lie there is going to be pain no matter what you do when starting a program like this when you really have not done much exercise before now. Your muscles are being broken down tendons are stretching if you can work through the pain you will adjust to it and it will be easier and easier for you to exercise. However if you hive into the pain and ease off the workout your body simply falls back to the comfortable state where it has always been. If it is unbearable then we need to find a treatment for it but if it's pain that you can handle even though it's uncomfortable then I say work through it. " I love the fact that Dallas cares enough to give me the kick in the butt I needed!

I'm jogging a little more every day and I'm trying really hard to run on the inside of my foot. When I do that my shins feel a lot better. I'm still nervous for the 5k though.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trainer Free

Can I just say that I have THE BEST support group...Jen and Janette are the best! I've been whining the past few blogs and they're great at gently kicking me in the butt.

This week I've been working out on my own since my trainer decided to go to Hawaii. I was nervous on Monday, wondering if I could work hard enough, especially after my birthday weekend of food, food, and more food and no exercise. I wonder if you could count riding on the back of a jet ski as exercise? My arms were so sore because I had to hold on for dear life! ANYWAY...I got on the treadmill and my shin spints came back, so I decided to jog (I can't say run because most people walk faster than I ran). Oh My legs felt better when I jogged --- plus I didn't pee my pants! That's even a bigger bonus! I haven't jogged in 20 years and it felt almost good for the 1:30 intervals I jogged.

Yesterday I wondered if Monday was just a fluke, so I tried it again and I did it! I even got my speed to 4.4 (a PR). Not bad for an old lady who just had two cataract surgeries, celebrated her half century birthday and didn't have her trainer.

Week number 4 without pop!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Eyes but a Year Older

Well, I had my second eye surgery and all is good--I can see!!!! I even wore eye makeup today. Life is good, so I thought. It's been two weeks of "light" workouts and I felt it this week. While on the treadmill Monday, my right leg felt like it was on fire. I was so disappointment because I'd come so far and now I feel like I'm almost back to square one. Dallas is headed to Hawaii today, so I'm on my own for a week and a half. Hopefully I'll be able to work through my shin splints and get my endurance back by the time he returns. Amazing what you lose in a couple of weeks!

It's also my birthday this week. It's kind of a BIG birthday too. I'll admit my body felt its age today. Between my bone spur, sore hip and shin, I wasn't looking forward to my workout, especially after Monday. After 4 ibuprofin I felt ok and did pretty good for an old lady.

With about six weeks left in the challenge, knowing there isn't a chance to win, I'm going to work harder than I have so far.

Oh yeah, three weeks and still pop free.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Contact Free -- At Least One Eye

I had my first cataract and lense implant surgery last Thursday and I'm now contact free in my left eye! Yeah me! It's sooooo weird to wake up in the morning (take off my eye shield) and be able to see. I LOVE IT!! I'm sooooo excited to have my right one done this Thursday. The doctor said for my prescription it's life changing, amen to that! I can look at an alarm clock without it being 1 1/2 inches from my face. I can shave my legs by sight not feel in the shower. Body's not there yet to go swimming, but when I do, I won't have to worry about losing a contact in the water! I'm loving it!

I did walk a VERY slow pace a couple of times last weekend and yesterday I did a light workout. Dallas was afraid my eye was going to pop out of my head, SOOOO I was the one increasing my speed on the treadmill and the Elliptical.

I did have a first yesterday. I've had a bad knee that likes to fill up with fluid if I do inclines or hills, yesterday I walked at a 1% incline without pain or fluid! Yeah me! I realize that the rest of the group is up to 6% inclines, but that's ok. It was a first for me!

Yes, I'm still pop free - two weeks!