Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Stairs Today

Dallas sent us a 3 page text yesterday at 6:15 A.M. informing us that we need to work out on a track in preparation to run the 5k in a couple of weeks, so last night Jen and I met Dallas at the AFHS track. We jogged around one time, stretched, did these rabbit chasing drills (whatever it's called), jogged the straight aways and walked the curves and ended with an abs workout and stretching. After it was all over I went 2 miles and Jen went 2 and 1/4 miles (way to go Jen). Jen's a lot faster than I am - she's awesome!

Today my left calf and bone spurs are really sore. Whenever I stand up I have to hold onto something for the first few steps, then I'm good. Walking into the hospital, I went up the stairs by the dock and thought I might need to crawl up them. BUT I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Wearing heels with a sore calf and bone spurs, there are no stairs today!

PS - still pop free!


  1. You did AWESOME last night at the track! Im sorry you are sore today! geesh...then to wear heels today, you are a trooper! Thanks for keeping me motivated!

  2. Sorry I missed the track just could not get out in time to get there.. You keep me motivated and I appricate that Thanks !
